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Carlos + Danielle Proposal | Lynx Lake, Prescott, AZ

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

WOW this was a BIG day. Carlos is one of Josh's best friends and we loooove being friends with this sweet couple. I was absolutely OVER THE flippin MOON when Carlos asked if I would take photos when he popped the question.

Josh and I drove up to Lynx lake an hour or so before the couple arrived. We brought the Bible, champagne, roses, flower pots, and photos that Carlos had brought to me the day before. After setting everything up and their other friends arriving, I hid in the bushes when they walked down the dock.

Carlos took Danielle on a boat ride around the lake, sipping champagne, reading her scripture, and talking about the rest of their lives. Carlos brought Danielle back to shore and walked her over to the path littered with rose pedals and he proposed to his beautiful future bride. I'm not crying... YOU'RE crying! Seriously, this was such a beautiful day and you can see in the photos just how joyful and in love they are. God is going to do incredible things in their marriage. I can't wait to see it!

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