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Revolutionary Ruckus

Revolutionary: (adjective)

Involving or causing a complete or dramatic change. 

Ruckus: (noun)

A disturbance or commotion. 

Revolutionary doesn’t have to mean something brand new. 

What we are trying to accomplish through our podcast is revealing and exploring truth that is radically different from the widely accepted positions of society, which can offer tremendous harm to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. 

A few examples:

  • Mondays as an inconvenience to existence, rather than a blessed gift of 24 new hours of life.

  • You need more money to be happier, rather than finding contentment and focus on meaningful relationships.

  • Or that work is taking away your freedom, rather than being a place to create and serve.

  • That porn is good or even healthy, rather than a relationally fatal force, turning human beings into commodities and creating confused, selfish, and abusive young people.

  • Marriage is just a piece of paper, or that marriage is a step towards misery, rather than an opportunity for growth as we learn daily how to serve another over ourselves.

  • That you must be in a relationship to find your true value and identity, rather than growing individually, rooted in the peace and love of a creator, which transcends understanding. Here we can patiently await a potential marriage.

These are only a short list of culturally widely held ideas, if not spoken ideas they are at minimum revealed in action. And the one thing they all have in common is they are poison injected straight into the heart of a life overflowing with joy and true freedom.  

Because we have witnessed the danger of poor perspectives carried out repeatedly in lives around us, on social media, portrayed in television, etc… Our hope is to create a ruckus, an undeniable noise that stands firmly against these deceptions and redirects towards life. Life to the full. Passivity is acceptance without response or resistance. Passivity is a posture I strive to avoid, and that is critical to loving those around us well. This means speaking up against the outcries of a disoriented culture. Out of this mindset came the intention for the Revolutionary Ruckus podcast going forward:

Helping young adults navigate life, away from destructive decisions and towards a joy filled existence by raising up our voices against the noise of today’s culture. 

Our ideas may not be revolutionary, in the sense of being new. But they are certainly necessary to point our compass in the direction of a life of hope, joy, and love. 

Let’s start a ruckus. 

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